Friday, June 18, 2010

Tolsona Wilderness Campground & Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

Our campground at Tolsona Wilderness was without a doubt, one of our favorites. The view above is out our back window. A babbling stream and the calming breeze through the swaying trees was truly a way to enjoy the outdoors.  There were plenty of places to walk and explore.

Stan & I were sitting having breakfast one morning and when we looked out the back window this little duck swam up. He was splashing around in the water and stayed on the little rock island for quite a while, allowing us to take his photo.

While staying at Tolsona Wilderness, we took a day trip into the  Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. This is the nation's largest national park; 13.2 million acres.  It also is home to the second tallest mountain, Mount St. Elias at 18,000 feet.  The mountain pictures above is Drum Mountain which is in the same range.  This picture was taken from one of the lookouts within the park.
Below is a fish wheel used to catch fish in mass quantities.  This was located at the visitor's center which was very interesting.

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1 comment:

  1. Just incredible guys! You're descriptions and pictures are awesome! As a follower of your blog, it's like watching a documentary of your trip! Very interesting and beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
